Olivera Tutus – Centre For Mediation

Mediator Details

Olivera Tutus – Centre For Mediation

When people are going through a separation and divorce, to be effective requires a deep understanding of the terrain and the process towards an agreement regarding the future of children and/or the finances.

Lacking access to a mediation service like the Centre for Mediation handicapped Olivera through her own separation and divorce, and she like so many, turned to the family court system. Since that time, and after becoming a family lawyer, her belief in the need for a mediation centre has become further impassioned. On establishing the Centre for Mediation, Olivera has aligned her values, personal and professional journey, her knowledge, understanding and wisdom.

Under Olivera’s compassionate and reasoned care and through the implementation of a proven methodology, separating couples are offered an alternative way to avoid further psychological and financial trauma associated with the court’s process. Olivera works determinedly to assist people to create their own agreements, agreements that will transition them and everyone concerned towards their individual needs and goals.

Olivera is eminently qualified as a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner with the Attorney Generals Department and is a Nationally Accredited Mediator under NMAS. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in Sociology, a Juris Doctor of Laws and a Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice with admissions to both the Supreme Court and High Court of Australia as a barrister and solicitor.

Olivera dedicates herself to providing a mediation service, a bridge, a place for separating couples to meet and make decisions with which they can live with.


Based In
Trained By
Bond University Dispute Resolution Centre
Current Position
Principal, Mediator
Foundation Mediation Training Year
Insurance Cover
AAI Limited
Codes of Conduct Followed
Australian National Mediator Standards - Australian Mediation Association Accredited Mediator
Service Area
Melbourne CBD, Outer Melbourne and Regional Victoria - we can come to you.
Types of Mediation Offered
Family Law Mediation


Contact Information

Suite 503, 12 Claremont Street, South Yarra VIC 3141
Post Code
Mediator Standards Board
Mediator Training Academy
WMO Fellow
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