For Mediators:

Australian Mediation Register

Find a Mediator: Australian Mediation RegisterAustralian Mediation Register: Now Open for Registration

The Australian Mediation Register (AMR) is now open for mediators to apply to be registered.

The aim is to launch the Register to work alongside the Australian Mediator and Dispute Resolution Accreditation System (AMDRAS).

The Australian Mediation Register is a web-based listing of mediators who certify that they meet either the minimum national standards, accreditation as a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner or have undertaken mediation training.

These standards are for training, mediation, co-mediation and continuing practice development as well as adherence to an appropriate code of practice, complaints handing procedure and appropriate indemnity insurance.

It will be possible for mediators who are certified by the Australian Mediation Association, as a Recognised Accreditation Provider (RAP), to have the badge “AMDRAS Accredited” on the mediator’s entry to demonstrate these higher standards of practice. Mediators accredited by another independent regulatory body will also be able to have their profiles listed.

  • The AMR will be a highly visible and trusted place to find mediators.  Mediator’s listings can show either their service’s contact details or their direct contact information. The AMR will become another source of direct referrals to mediators and mediation services.
  • The AMR gives independent recognition of mediation practice standards which provides greater reassurance to our users, Government and Industry as well as other organisations.
  • An AMR mediator, accredited through the Australian Mediation Association will be allowed to call themselves a “Register Practitioner” and use the logo which is expected to develop as a brand that signifies quality in mediation in Australia.
  • The AMR will demonstrate publicly that being a mediator in Australia is to be part of a coherent and valued occupation.
  • With the requirement for annual updating of Continuing Professional Development records, the Register will encourage the systematic maintenance and development of mediation skills.

The minimum benchmark standards for admission of a mediator under the Australian Mediator and Dispute Resolution Accreditation Standards are, in summary format:

  1. Adequate training from a trainer or team of trainers with appropriate experience
  2. A requirement for some form of initial mentoring or co-mediating to gain experience
  3. Post-training Continuing Practice Development (CPD) and practice support
  4. Adherence to an appropriate code of conduct
  5. An appropriate system for addressing concerns and complaints
  6. Appropriate indemnity insurance


The Australian Mediation Register lists information about mediators who confirm that they meet minimum standards.

The information about each mediator is certified as accurate by that mediator. Information about mediators is not checked, vetted, monitored or verified by the Australian Mediation Register.

The AMR can only address concerns that an Australian Mediation Registered mediator has not shown that they comply with the Benchmark Standards.

Users of this website are deemed to accept that the Australian Mediation Register is not responsible for the accuracy of information about any registered mediator.

It is a condition of the use of this website that users will not hold the Australian Mediation Register, or the Australian Mediation Association responsible for any alleged loss or injury arising from information obtained from this website.

Mediators are responsible for maintaining a record of their own compliance with the AMR benchmark standards so that they can produce evidence if required to do so. Mediators are also responsible for keeping their SMR entry accurate and up to date.

The standard inclusive fee, per registration, irrespective of how many entries a mediator makes on this Register is $110.00 (inclusive of GST) for this coming year.

A reduced registration rate of $55.00 (inclusive of GST) is available only to mediators working solely with mediation organisations that are primarily Family Relationship Centres (FRC) or a not-for-profit (NFP) organisation.

Mediators will be invited to select the appropriate rate when they enter their details. An email with an invoice will be sent to the mediator. Mediators’ details will only appear on the Register when payment of the registration fee is received.

We will send you an email when the fee has been received and your entry has been posted on the Register. The email will ask that you check the entry and keep it up to date.


This entry will remain on the Register for a year. An email will be sent to you in 11 months asking you to update your details including your CPD record for the previous year.

If you do not do this and do not pay the registration fee for the next year, your entry will be removed from the Register.

Payments can be made via direct deposit

Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Australian Mediation Association
BSB: 064121
Account no: 10200135

We also accept Paypal

Pay to account:

If you do not have a user account, please read the above items, then:
Sign up for an account here.

We will review and approve your application. Once payment has been received we will publish your profile, and you will be able to log in to edit it at any time.

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