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Welcome to the Australian Mediation Association Register (AMR)

Find a Mediator: Australian Mediation RegisterAn independent Register of mediators who meet benchmark standards of quality. Free access to information about mediators practicing across a range of services. The data is updated by these mediators at least once a year.

The AMR aims to reassure people about the quality of the mediator they select. The common standards that mediators on this site comply with are set in accordance with the Australian Mediation and Dispute Resolution Accreditation System Standards as well as those mediators registered under the Attorney-General’s Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner accreditation standards. Mediators from other disciplines and professional standing are also listed.

Mediators accredited by a Recognised Accreditation Provider such as the Australian Mediation Association, can utilise the post nominal “Accredited Mediator AMDRAS”.

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Funding for mediation services varies.

This means that the cost of mediation is different from place to place and depending on the sort of dispute you have.

Some services are free to the public while others need to charge. If the mediator’s service is not funded publicly and free, we recommend that you discuss the potential costs with the mediator.

If you have a dispute involving a legal matter, we suggest that you check with a solicitor or Legal Aid is sometimes available to cover the costs of mediation.

Mediation fees are likely to be given on an hourly or daily rate. Usually, responsibility for these fees is shared equally by the parties.

When considering the cost of mediation, it is useful also to find out and compare the cost of other ways of attempting to resolve the matter, such as going to Court. Also, consider the cost of your time and the impact of delay in reaching a resolution to your dispute or conflict.

Decide what you want from mediation

Think about your goals for the mediation. Think about the dispute and the context in which you must resolve it. The approach to mediation and the experience of the mediator you choose may differ greatly depending on the type of conflict you are involved in.

Consider your budget. How much you can spend might limit your choice of mediator. Is there a time limit? Availability of the mediator may be another factor.

Talk to possible mediators

Should you wish for the Australian Mediation Association to appoint a professional expert mediator to your dispute simply call them on 1300 MEDIATE (633 428), and they can appoint a professional mediator to resolve your dispute.

If you will be paying for mediation and are trying to decide which mediator to choose, visit the websites of mediators on the Register who say they have experience in the type of dispute you wish to resolve. What materials do they provide for you to read and how useful are they in helping you make an informed decision?

Call one or more of them and ask them to explain their experience in the type of dispute you are involved in; ask about the way they undertake Continuous Professional Development (CPD); would they meet you for an initial meeting to answer your questions and allow you to assess their suitability? Are their fees clear, will they discuss possible budgets and how they will invoice you?

How comfortable do the mediators make you feel that they understand the implications of the dispute? Do their suggestions on how the mediation might be conducted make sense and give you a feeling they have undertaken this type of mediation before? What qualities do they display when talking to you – such as impartiality, maturity, integrity and sensitivity. Look also for good communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal, ability to listen, clarify and summarise as well as good problem-solving and organisational skills.

Finally, it might be worth asking if they can put past clients in touch with you so that you can get an independent view of their skills and suitability.

The minimum benchmark standards for admission of a mediator under the Australian Mediator and Dispute Resolution Accreditation Standards are, in summary format:

  1. Adequate training from a trainer or team of trainers with appropriate experience
  2. A requirement for some form of initial mentoring or co-mediating to gain experience
  3. Post-training Continuing Practice Development (CPD) and practice support
  4. Adherence to an appropriate code of conduct
  5. An appropriate system for addressing concerns and complaints
  6. Appropriate indemnity insurance

The Australian Mediation Register lists information about mediators who confirm that they meet minimum standards.

The information about each mediator is certified as accurate by that mediator. Information about mediators is not checked, vetted, monitored or verified by the Australian Mediation Register.

The AMR can only address concerns that an Australian Mediation Registered mediator has not shown that they comply with the Benchmark Standards.

Users of this website are deemed to accept that the Australian Mediation Register is not responsible for the accuracy of information about any registered mediator.

It is a condition of the use of this website that users will not hold the Australian Mediation Register, or the Australian Mediation Association responsible for any alleged loss or injury arising from information obtained from this website.

Mediators are responsible for maintaining a record of their own compliance with the AMR benchmark standards so that they can produce evidence if required to do so. Mediators are also responsible for keeping their SMR entry accurate and up to date.

For Mediators

Join the Australian Mediation Association Register

The AMR is now open for mediators to apply to be registered.

The Australian Mediation Register is a listing of mediators who certify that they meet either the minimum national standards, accreditation as a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner or have undertaken mediation training. The Register works alongside the Australian Mediator and Dispute Resolution Accreditation System (AMDRAS).

These standards are for training, mediation, co-mediation and continuing practice development as well as adherence to an appropriate code of practice, complaints handing procedure and appropriate indemnity insurance.

For important information about joining the AMR, including benchmark standards, fees and benefits, as well as a link to begin your registration:

Find out more and register here

Mediator Standards Board
Work Resolve
Mediator Training Academy
Family Resolve Mediation
WMO Fellow
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