The Australian National Mediator Standards apply to any person who voluntarily seeks to be accredited under the Australian Mediator and Dispute Resolution Accreditation System ('the system') to act as a mediator and assist two or more participants to manage, settle or resolve disputes or to form a future plan of action through a process of mediation. Practitioners who act in these roles are referred to in the Approval Standards as mediators.
The Approval Standards
specify requirements for mediators seeking to obtain approval under the voluntary national accreditation system; and
define minimum qualifications and training; and
assist in informing participants, prospective participants and others what qualifications and competencies can be expected of mediators.
As a condition of ongoing approval, mediators must comply with the Practice Standards and seek re-approval in accordance with the Approval Standards every two years. The Approval Standards should be read in conjunction with the Practice Standards that apply to mediators.
Mediation can take place in all areas where decisions are made. For example, mediation is used in relation to commercial, community, workplace, environmental, construction, family, building, health and educational decision making. Mediation may be used where there is conflict or may be used to support future decision making.
Mediators are drawn from diverse backgrounds and disciplines. Mediation may take place as a result of Court or Tribunal referral, pre-litigation schemes, through industry schemes, community-based schemes as well as through private referral, agency, self or other referral. The Approval Standards set out minimum voluntary accreditation requirements and recognise that some mediators who practice in particular areas, and/or with particular models, may choose to develop or comply with additional standards or requirements. Mediators may practice as ‘solo’ mediators or may co-mediate with another mediator.
The Australian Mediation Association (‘AMA’) strongly supports and is committed to the application and implementation of the Australian National Mediator Standards. The AMA will be acting as an accreditation provider under this scheme taking on the role of a under this scheme taking on the role of a Recognised Accreditation Provider (RAP).
Your Details
1. I have read and understood my obligations under the Approval Standards * yes
2. I have read and understood my obligations under the Practice Standards * yes
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3. Good Character
RMABs require mediators who apply to be accredited to provide evidence of 'good character'. With respect to the requirement to be of 'good character', please:
a) Provide evidence that you are regarded as honest and fair, and that you are regarded as suited to practice mediation by reference to your life, social and work experience. Please provide written references from two members of the community who have known you for more than three years demonstrating your good character.
The Referee's Reference form must be filled out by both your referees.
This form is immediately below the current form, scroll down to the "+ For Your Referees " item.
Please send your referees this direct URL / link to the form:
I will organise two reference submissions from persons listed below who can attest to my competence. yes
Applicants are urged to consider carefully when selecting referees. It is important that the referees can attest to the applicant's competent performance of tasks as outlined in the standards. See the Standards for more information.
Referee 1
Referee 2
b) Do you meet the requirements of a police check in the State or States or Territory or Territories in which you practise?* yes no If no, please disclose any criminal convictions here:
c) Are you without any serious conviction or impairment that could influence your capacity to discharge your obligations in a competent, honest and appropriate manner?* yes no
d) Please demonstrate by way of documentary evidence that you are accredited with an existing scheme that has existing 'good character' requirements that you comply with (for example, by referring to an existing Professional Association, Law Institute, Law Society, Bar or Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner accreditation standards where relevant).
e) Have you been disqualified to practice by another professional association relating to any other profession (for example, a Law Society or a Medical Association)?* yes no
If Yes please explain the circumstances under which you have previously been removed
f) Have you been suspended from acting as a mediator under the standards?* yes no
g) Do you undertake to comply with any relevant legislation, the Practice and Approval Standards and any other approval requirements that may relate to particular schemes?* yes no
h) Please provide documentation of your current insurance status - refer to section 2(j) of the Approval Standards for further information.
Upload your policy document here:
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4. Training and education
a) Please provide documentary evidence (i.e. certificates of completion) that you have appropriate mediation competence, by reference to applicable practice standards, your qualifications, training and experience.
b) Please indicate under which Threshold Training and Education Requirements section you are seeking approval under the Standards*
a. Sections 2.3 & 2.4 – Training & assessment b. Section 2.5(a) – Comparable training & assessment c. Section 2.5(b) – Experience, education and assessment d. Section 2.5(c) – CALD knowledge, experience and assessment
Please provide the name of the mediation education and training course(s) you have undertaken and in what year the said courses(s) were completed*
Did the mediation education and training course(s) satisfy the following:
i) was conducted by a training team comprised of a at least two instructors where the principal instructor[s] has more than three years' experience as a mediator and has complied with the continuing accreditation requirements set out in Section 2.3 and 2.4 of the Approval Standards for that period and has at least three years' experience as an instructor; yes no and
ii) has assistant instructors or coaches for each trainee to be observed performing the role of mediator by different coaches in two simulated mediations of at least 1.5 hours in duration; yes no and
iii) is a program of a minimum of 38 hours in duration (which may be constituted by more than one mediation workshop provided not more than 24 months has passed between workshops), excluding the assessment process referred to in Section 2.4 of the Approval Standards; yes no and
iv) involves each course participant in at least nine simulated mediation sessions and in at least three simulations each course participant performs the role of mediator; yes no and
v) provides written, debriefing coaching feedback in respect of two simulated mediations to each course participant by different members of the training team. yes no d) Unless applying under the alternative pathways in section 2.5, a mediator must also have completed to a competent standard. a written skills assessment of mediator competence that has been undertaken in addition to the 38-hour training workshop, where mediator competence in at least one 1.5 hour simulation has been undertaken by either a different member of the training team or a person who is independent of the training team. The written assessment must reflect the core competency areas referred to in the Practice Standards. The final skills assessment mediation simulation may be undertaken in the form of a video or DVD assessment with role players, or as an assessed exercise with role players.
The written report must detail:
i) the outcome of the skills assessment (in terms of competent or not yet competent); and
ii) relevant strengths and how they were evidenced; and
iii) relevant weaknesses and how they were evidenced; and
iv) relevant recommendations for further training and skills development.
Have you completed to a competent standard a written skills assessment of mediator competence? yes no
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Alternative Accreditation Pathways
If you are seeking Alternative Accreditation Pathways please complete this section. If not, please scroll down and click "Next".
Your requirement: I AM seeking Alternative Accreditation Pathways I AM NOT seeking Alternative Accreditation Pathways
e) This section applies to all those mediators requesting accreditation in accordance with section 2.5 of the Approval Standards. An applicant may alternatively meet the requirements for training and assessment by providing evidence to an RMAB of:
(a) Comparable training and assessment
(i) having completed a mediator training course which is at least comparable to the training course described in Section 2.3; and
(ii) having been found competent in the assessment as described in Section 2.4.?
Yes No N/A or
(b) Experience, education and assessment
(i) providing evidence to an RMAB of having conducted at least 100 hours of mediation, and otherwise met the continuing accreditation requirements described in Section 3 below within the two years prior to application; and
(ii) providing two references attesting to the mediator's competence; and
(iii) having completed mediator training, supervision or education to the satisfaction of the RMAB; and
(iv) having been found competent in the assessment as described in
Section 2.4?
Yes No N/A or
(c) CALD knowledge, experience and assessment
(i) providing evidence to an RMAB that the applicant possesses appropriate mediation experience and knowledge of the unique values and traditions within the culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) community with which the mediator identifies; and
(ii) providing two references attesting to the mediator's competence; and
(iii) having been found competent in the assessment as described in Section 2. 4
Yes No N/A
Please provide and attach a brief submission demonstrating you have met the requirements for comparable training and assessment (section 2.5(a)), or experience, education and assessment (section 2.5(b)) or that you are a resident in a linguistically and culturally diverse community (section 2.5(c)) for which specialised skills and knowledge are needed OR you worked as a mediator and have experience, training, and education that will satisfy the Australian Mediation Association that you are equipped with the skills, knowledge and understandings set out in the core competencies referred to in the Practice Standards.
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Continuing Accreditation Requirements – Experience Qualified Practitioners
Mediators who seek to be reaccredited must satisfy the AMA that they continue to meet the approval requirements set out in Section 3 of the Approval Standards. In addition mediators seeking re accreditation must, within each two-year cycle, provide evidence to the RMAB that they have:
a) sufficient practice experience by showing that they have either:
i) conducted at least 25 hours of mediation, co-mediation or conciliation (in total duration) within the two-year cycle; or
ii) where a mediator is unable to provide such evidence for reasons such as, a lack of work opportunities (in respect of newly qualified mediators); a focus on work undertaken as a dispute manager, facilitator, conflict coach or related area; a family, career or study break; illness or injury, an RMAB may require the mediator to have completed no less than 10 hours of mediation, mediation or conciliation work per two-year cycle and may require that the mediator attend 'top up' training or reassessment;
b) have completed at least 25 hours of continuing professional development in every two-year cycle that can be made up as follows:
(a) Participating in Education (up to 20 hours)
This means participating in formal structured activities such as training seminars and workshops (up to 20 hours) or attending conferences (up to 15 hours)
(b) Reflecting on Practice (up to 15 hours)
This means receiving professional supervision or coaching or participating in structured peer-based reflection on mediation cases
(c) Providing Professional Development (up to 15 hours)
This means delivering presentations on mediation or related topics, including two hours of preparation time for each hour delivered, or providing professional supervision, assessment, coaching or mentoring of mediator trainees and mediators
(d) Credit for related professional CPD (up to 10 hours)
This means hours of CPD completed to maintain professional licensing or accreditation related to their mediation practice, such as in law or in the behavioural or social sciences or in the professional field in which they mediate, such as building or engineering.
(e) Learning from Practice (up to 8 hours)
This means participating in up to four mediations as a client representative or in a formal learning capacity (up to 2 hours per mediation) or role-playing for trainee mediators and candidates for mediator assessment (up to 2 hours per simulation).
(f) Self-directed Learning (up to 5 hours)
This means private study such as reading, listening to or viewing pre-recorded content such as podcasts, or writing articles or books relevant to mediation that are published in recognised journals or by recognised publishers.
(g) Other (up to 5 hours)
This means such other activities as may be approved by the MSB on application by an RMAB.
c) Do you undertake in seeking to be reaccredited to continue to meet the approval requirements set out in Section 3 of the Approval Standards. In addition mediators seeking re accreditation must, within each two-year cycle, provide evidence to the AMA that they have satisfied the continuing accreditation requirements.
Do you agree to these terms? yes no
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Agreement & Signature
I, being an applicant for accreditation by the Australian Mediation Association as a mediator under the Australian National Mediator Standards,
• Consent to the Australian Mediation Association in my area of mediation, making such enquiries as they see fit (including Professional Standards and Professional Indemnity Insurance enquiries), to determine my eligibility and suitability for accreditation.
• Agree to accept the terms and conditions for accreditation as set out in the Standards.
• If accredited, agree to comply with the Australian National Mediator Standards and any rulings of the Australian Mediation Association relating to accreditation or reaccreditation.
Payment - This application is $220.00 (including GST)
Please choose one of the following*
Electronic Funds Transfer (please provide proof of transfer) Cheque (please make cheque payable to the Australian Mediation Association)
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Australian Mediation Association
BSB: 064 121
Account: 10 200 135
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Attachments Upload
Please attach any supporting documentation here.
Seminar Groups
Seminar groups are intended to prepare candidates for assessment by getting together with others and studying on an informal basis and to serve as continuing professional development. Mediators interested in forming seminar groups will be sent a contact list of fellow mediators and are expected to form their own groups.
I am interested in joining a study group within my nominated area yes no If you have indicated yes, please complete the below details
Should you have indicated your interest in joining a seminar group, your details as listed above will be distributed to other applicants for the purpose of the formation of a seminar group.
I hereby certify that all content and information contained in this form is true and correct. Required*