Chris Irons

Mediator Details

Chris Irons

Chris is a strata unicorn: he is not a strata lawyer, or manager, or caretaker. Instead, he holds the unique distinction of having been Queensland’s Commissioner for Body Corporate and Community Management for over 5 years. That is the only role of its type in the world. Chris is also an owner in one strata scheme, and a tenant in another. In short, there are few things Chris has not seen or heard in strata.

As Director of Strata Solve, Chris provides practical, straight-talking approaches to solving strata problems. His focus with Strata Solve is protecting and enhancing strata investments and property values through strategic advice and effective communications. Strata Solve works with owners, committees, strata managers, caretakers, practitioners, government and peak bodies to tailor the best outcome to suit the circumstances. Chris takes the view there is a solution to every strata problem and that solution is different each time: one size does not fit all in strata.

Chris has an Honours degree in Communications and is a nationally accredited mediator. For over 2 decades, Chris held senior roles in Queensland’s public sector, with considerable experience in drafting legislation, policy development and the workings of Cabinet and Parliament. He combines these skills and experiences when working with clients, to give them confidence and assurance and a way forward. Chris is a well-known public speaker and media commentator on strata issues. He speaks at strata conferences and forums Australia-wide and works with related industry sectors, such as the real estate sector. Chris is the immediate past-President of Strata Community Association Queensland.


Other Types of Mediation Offered
Chris specialises in mediation for strata (aka, body corporate and owners' corporation) disputes. Living in or being part of strata can sometimes be challenging and emotive, with disputes including concerns about administrative, financial, insurance, maintenance and governance issues, as well as issues concerning conduct and interaction, such as smoking, parking, noise, nuisance and keeping animals. There can be more fundamental issues in strata, such as considering terminating a scheme or considering motions requiring resolution without dissent. In these cases, Chris is also an expert facilitator, guiding parties through sometimes-complex decision-making frameworks to help them arrive at their optimal solutions. Chris assists owners, committees, strata managers, caretakers, tenants (sometimes referred to as occupiers), not-for-profit advocacy bodies and service providers and practitioners.
Based In
Queensland. While Chris's expertise is in Queensland strata-related matters, he has assisted and can assist in strata-related matters outside of Queensland.
Trained By
Dispute Resolution Branch (Department of Justice and Attorney-General, Queensland)
Current Position
Director, Strata Solve
Foundation Mediation Training Year
Insurance Cover
Codes of Conduct Followed
Australian National Mediator Standards - Australian Mediation Association Accredited Mediator
Service Area
Strata, body corporate, owners corporation, construction, small business, real estate, property, tenancy, insurance
Types of Mediation Offered
Community and Neighbour


Mediator Standards Board
Work Resolve
Mediator Training Academy
Family Resolve Mediation
WMO Fellow
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