Kay Feeney

Mediator Details

Kay Feeney

Kay Feeney is no stranger to the Family Law system, having worked as a Family Law Solicitor for most of her 36 years in the industry, and being recognised as an Accredited Family Law Specialist by Queensland Law Society. She has previously worked for well-respected law firms as a Special Counsel in Family Law in which she has gained vast experience in working with parents, children and the hardships that can come with raising a family.

On the day of mediation both parties (and their legal representatives) will speak to Kay separately for an intake session. Through consultation with both parties, Kay will guide negotiation discussions.

Kay adopts an interest based approach to mediation and aims to facilitate negotiations in a resolution focused and practical manner. She can, however, offer an evaluative role if requested.

In Kay's experience, preparation is key for a successful mediation, so Kay encourages the parties to prepare a brief summary of the issues in dispute which ideally is provided to her up to 48 hours prior to mediation.


Based In
Trained By
Australian Mediation Association
Current Position
Insurance Cover
Codes of Conduct Followed
Australian National Mediator Standards - Australian Mediation Association Accredited Mediator
Service Area
Family Law Mediations, Elder Mediations, In Court
Types of Mediation Offered
In Court


Mediator Standards Board
Work Resolve
Mediator Training Academy
Family Resolve Mediation
WMO Fellow
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